Enhance your living space with this bouquet of light pink roses. Magnificent flower heads and unique pink eucalyptus leaves are all elegantly displayed in a glass vase, reflecting the beauty of a blooming spring garden. Unique touches of pink eucalyptus leaves add charm to this bright bouquet.
The soft light pink colours make this bouquet a beautiful Valentine’s or Mother’s Day gift. Style it on your bookshelf, windowsill, coffee table or dining room table to make your living space feel light and airy.
The base of the glass vase has been filled with a layer of resin, giving the realistic illusion of water, and securely holding the flower stems. Created with artificial materials of recycled plastic and polyester, this bouquet has an environmentally friendly appeal, as well as offering a more permanent ornamental presentation.
Dibor Artificial Plants DiborStaffDiscount Faux Plants Flowers Homeware In Bloom Mother's Day Gifting Mother's Day Home Accessories New Arrivals Spring Homeware add-to-cart //dibor.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/DW02-FAUXPINKROSESINGLASSVASE-STYLED-ZOOM-2.jpg?v=1737636359 //dibor.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/DW02-FAUXPINKROSESINGLASSVASE-STYLED-ZOOM.jpg?v=1737636359 //dibor.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/DW02-FAUXPINKROSESINGLASSVASE-STYLED-ZOOM-1.jpg?v=1737636359 55190435725693 Default Title 100.00 0.00 //dibor.co.uk/cdn/shopifycloud/shopify/assets/no-image-2048-5e88c1b20e087fb7bbe9a3771824e743c244f437e4f8ba93bbf7b11b53f7824c.gif https://dibor.co.uk/products/faux-pink-roses-in-glass-vase?variant=55190435725693 InStock Default Title